If you are looking for a step-by-step guide to publish a book, this is it. You can follow the steps in the order that they are outlined, whether you want to self-publish or have your book traditionally published. This guide will also cover important topics like the cost of publishing a book, hiring a cover designer and professional editing. We’ve compiled our tips to help you get your work out into the world, so you can start building a following of readers.
Self-publishing vs traditional publishing
If you’re a new writer and have a modest author platform, you may want to consider self-publishing your book instead of seeking out a traditional publisher. Traditional publishing is extremely competitive, so it is difficult to break in without a substantial investment. While traditional publishing may be more convenient, you don’t own your book. Consequently, you’ll be giving up a significant portion of royalties.
Cost of publishing a book
The cost of publishing a book varies widely. Most traditional publishers charge an upfront fee for production services, although there are no such charges with D2D. However, authors must pay a small amount of money for the book’s initial print run, and they have to pay about £1,500 to £3,000 for the book’s distribution and in-store marketing. Other companies charge a one-time fee for the setup and maintenance of an author website.
Professional editing
If you’re planning on publishing your book yourself, you’ll want to look into the Step-by-Step Process to Publish a Book With Professional Editing. A professional editor will catch silly spelling mistakes, improve narrative flow, and fix other nitpicks that you may not notice, but they won’t change your voice. The editor will be your point of contact and project manager.
Hiring a cover designer
If you’re struggling with the design of your cover, you’ve probably considered hiring a cover designer as part of the publishing procedure. While cover design is a very visual medium, you can find a great cover designer on Reedsy. Just remember to check their portfolio before hiring them, as some designers are illustrators as well. Make sure you’re clear about the look you’re after, or you’ll end up spending more time than you intended to.
Gaining reviews for your book
The most effective way to gain reader reviews is to contact people who have previously reviewed your book. Providing them with a free copy will encourage them to give yours a try. Likewise, you can check the “customers also bought” section on other authors’ pages to see if they have given your book a try. The more people you contact, the higher the likelihood they’ll read and review your book.

Keisha Parker provides insightful news coverage, practical tips, and informative articles to keep readers updated and engaged.