Read Aloud
If you’re looking for ways to motivate your students to read, one of the best ways is to read aloud to them. This can be a fun, engaging activity for both of you. Read aloud a variety of texts to your students, from informational text to chapter books, and even comics. Choose books that will encourage students to engage in the story and to ask questions.
Read A Variety Of Genres
Genres are a great way to expose students to a wide range of texts. Genres can also serve as an effective tool for teaching literacy skills. By planning focus lessons around genre, teachers can expose students to a variety of texts, including fiction and nonfiction. Genre-based lessons are also fun for students, and teachers can even create a reading inventory to help students identify the genre of a text they are reading.
Discuss Text With Others
One of the best ways to improve literacy skills is to encourage students to discuss texts with others. This type of activity deepens reading comprehension and develops students’ analytical and critical thinking skills. For example, students can present information in groups or individually and discuss important aspects of the text. This type of activity also promotes students’ communication skills and fosters a collaborative spirit.
Write Down Questions
Students can make reading more interactive by writing down questions as they read. Modeling and highlighting important information in the text will help them to gain better comprehension of the reading material. They can also write their questions on post-it notes, which can be placed on the text where the questions occur. Afterward, they can look over the notes to see what they wrote down.

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